This particular write-up and article from Boiling Water touches me, and it reminded me where I am currently. At 28, there are so many things that are bothering me, so many questions and goals left unanswered, so many battles I’m trying to fight over, so many plans, so much things to do and I feel like I have so little time for that.

But then, read on…

Remember that you are aging gracefully dearest. Know that u are loved & u deserve all the love in the world. You do not need to worry about the future because that’s for tomorrow, you have to live & enjoy life today and that’s how it should be everyday.

You may feel tired at times & it’s okay. You just need to rest. You’ve been hurt & broken a couple of times but hey, that’s okay. Because God is making you strong & saving you from the wrong. Keep your hopes up & always believe that true love still exists. He is just preparing you to be the best for the one who is the best for you too.

Pressured? Don’t be. Our lives run differently. You just have to live yours. You do not need to be rich & famous. Do not be pressured for not having enough savings compared to others, have not been to a lot places like others, have not been invested in material things like others. We all have our own time. Take it easy, just work hard & you’ll be where you want to be & what you really want to be.

Have faith. Keep that faith in you & the good heart & good soul. People will test you, people will hurt you & people will break you but because your faith & love is strong, you will still be the kindest & loving person that you are.May you continue to be the person with bottomless patience & perseverance. You can go far for having that qualities. You just need to learn to make your own decisions, decide on your own & do not let others influence what you think & feel is right & what you heart desires.

Continue to be that person with a heart that loves & a heart that cares. When you do more, you live more. Continue to be an inspiration to all those who look up to you & adores you. Keep them because they will treasure you forever. Continue to spread that smile around. It brightens up your day, & theirs too.

Lastly, don’t settle for the instants in life when God is leading you to the blessings that will last. Wait patiently & you’ll have your time. Be thankful everyday.



Hola! Nathalie is your typical city girl who loves the island life, beach, travels, food and adventures. She’ll rather jump off cliffs than watch horror movies, go over beaches than hiking mountains, and never travels without a pashmina. An OC traveler keeping her research and spreadsheets every time she travels and would never say NO to new adventures. Follow her daily escapade @nathaliecsalcedo

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